Goodness me the carp fisheries around Exeter are getting busy! I was surprised to find Darts busy as hell even on a week night, the main lake lined with pods and bivvies. In situations like this I opt for the weediest, least popular corner going, in this case the far end of the smaller pool where I hoped the pressure would be less ridiculous. A wise move for a change.
Two fish came during the night, both to homemade boilies created with a dose of potent liquidised peeler crab. Bingo! At 1am I had a dogged fish on that refused to be bullied- a 16lb mirror. Sadly the fish had some tail damage. The pristine fish came later at the silly time of 4am, a really powerful common that took me all over the lake on a light set up. This is why we wait- for that manic few minutes of action and the glorious feeling of a decent fish sailing away in the darkness. For all the carp fishing hype and busy waters, a solid common is still one of the most beautiful fish there is. I left the fishery tired but satisfied- the main lake had been deathly quiet.
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