The stream itself is lovely here- lots of shallow runs and little pools. There are no big fish, but what a terrific range of species. I took a light fly rod, Rob Darby used a light spinning set up and we enjoyed catching chub, perch, roach, dace and even what looked like a salmon parr. Such simple but gratifying fishing here too- I took most fish on either a tiny hare's ear or a black woolly bugger for the perch. Rob had fewer species but the chunkiest fish of the day- a perch of, ooh, all of half a pound.
The visual nature of the fishing is the real draw here- just about every take was witnessed first hand and you never quite know which fish will arrive next. A couple of hours here is delightful on a sunny afternoon, even with a bad head.
As for those carp, their pursuit remains a kind of torture. Sinuses are still blocked as I type- although a double whammy of a hot sauna and a vindaloo curry did have some effect yesterday evening.
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