What a brilliant pike session with Exeter Angling Centre's Jim Moore this week, using a favourite tactic of his (and one I've "borrowed" from the lads myself)- scaled down drifter fishing. Using small suspended baits and letting them search the water in the natural tow and chop is simply a deadly tactic and Jim proved it.
Perhaps the only trouble was, I was on writing and camera duty and thus just an interested spectator. The day was not exactly hectic, but three fish were taken, including a cracking 11 pounder. A great result for a small canal- but I'm afraid the full story will have to wait for the Angler's Mail, where you'll also witness the benefit of yours truly freezing his backside off, wading into an icy canal to get some pleasing images, like the pic above. It's very difficult to get decent action/ netting shots when in the water on a spur of the moment- so rather than stressing the pike out any more, I went for some release shots. Once again, I can only credit Jim's example with this- this pike, a 7lb sample, fought really well and so he took the time to hold it upright and let it recover. Incidentally, all Jims fish were landed with JUST ONE TREBLE. With smallish baits, the pike tend to grab the offering whole and with just one size 4 or 6 treble he only lost the real tiddlers.
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